As I use my new iPhone more and more, I have actually noticed that I am using a few applications all day everyday.  So, I thought I would take a minute and tell you about my top 5 iPhone Apps and how I use them.

Evernote Icon Evernote – is an online system that allows me to capture and organize notes related to different projects or to do items.  For example, if I am working on a quote for a client, I can place documents and notes together in Evernote so they are all connected together in a single location.
Analtics Agent Lite Analytics Lite – This simple little app allows me to track and monitor the Google Analytics for the various websites that I am managing.  This app is also great to use when meeting with a client to show them how website changes are impacting traffic.
Hootsuite Icon Hootsuite — Allows me to update Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn all with the same message simultaneously.
Wordpress App Icon WordPress App — This app allows me to write blog posts, create or edit pages and manage comments all from my iPhone.
Dropbox Icon Dropbox — This service allows me to have 2.5gb of storage “in the cloud” that allows me to easily share files with clients or allows me to have access to them when I’m away from my desktop.



Words with Friends Words with Friends — Everyone needs to relax once in a while so I play Words with Friends which is like Scrabble online.


What are your favorite free apps?